1. You do not have to pay any fee by filling this form and registering for this free-trial.
2. Your Trial ID and password will be given to you as an individual.
3. You can view the contents exclusive to our registered members, and also use those exclusive data in your publications and reports as long as :
(A): You don't disclose the daily data that has passed 30 days or more, or monthly data that has passed 6 months or more without any processing.
(B): Processing means making graphs and charts.
(C): You cite our sources.
4. This web site takes security measures to protect your personal information by using SSL encryption communication system.
5. We protect all your personal information strictly following our Privacy Policy which could be found here.
6. Consent in respect of handling of personal information
Ⅰ.Company name and data protection officer
Data Protection Officer of Nowcast Inc.: Information Manager of Nowcast Inc.
They could be reached as described in Ⅶ.Enquiries About Handling of Personal Information
Ⅱ.Scope of use
1) providing our services to customers and communicating with customers in respects of respective applications and procedures
2) delivering advertising of our new products and services
3) delivering surveys for market research and product development
4) processing applications for seminars and procedures and communicating with customers
Ⅲ.Providing personal information to third parties
We do not provide the personal information we collected to third parties except otherwise stated hereunder or for compliance with laws and regulations.
We may subcontract the handling of personal information within the scope of use mentioned above.
Ⅴ.Optinoal provision
Providing personal information is optional but failure to provide may render incapability of use of our services.
Ⅵ.Sharing of Personal Information
We share the personal information we collected with Nikkei Inc. only when necessary and within the following scope. Sharing of personal information will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan or other applicable laws.
1) Personal information shared
All items entered in this form
2) Users
Nowcast Inc. and Nikkei Inc
3)Scope of use
Providng our services to customers and communicating with customers in respects of respective applications and procesures
4)Name of the data protection officer
Information Manager of Nowcast Inc.
Ⅶ.Enquiries about handling of personal information
For questions or complaints regarding the handling of personal information, please contact us at info@nowcast.co.jp (attention: Information Manager of Nowcast Inc.)
7. For any other enquiries, please contact us at support@nowcast.co.jp or 03-6272-5550