Understand real prices
Do you face these challenges?

Predicting the results of official
statistics and the future of monetary
policy based on current price trends.

Understanding the impact of price
increases on sales volume.

Analyzing the effects of sales campaigns, weather, news, and natural disasters in real-time.
By using Nikkei CPINow, you can quickly and accurately
track price trends in Japan.

Timely price and sale available with a 2-day time lag and historical data dating back to 1989.
Prices are published with a T+2 lag, making it useful not only for real-time economic analysis but also for understanding initial conditions of disasters and current retail price trends. Historical data dates back to 1989, allowing past macroeconomic events to be analysed.

Utilizes the Tornqvist indexation formula, an ideal methodology for price indexes that is cited by government agencies and the Bank of Japan.
The "T Index" provided by Nikkei CPINow adopts the Tornqvist methodology. Due to its relevancy and accuracy, it is widely used in by government agencies and is quoted the Bank of Japan's in publications related to monetary policy.

Covers products sold in supermarkets, allowing for an understanding of price trends by item.
Not only sales prices but also volumes are captured. By utilising granular POS data to create the index, it is possible to grasp trends by item in addition to the comprehensive index.
"Nikkei CPI Now" Utilized in the Bank of Japan's "Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy"
"Nikkei CPI Now" Utilized in NIKKEI Asia's "Japan retail inflation weakens after August surge: Nikkei index"
"Nikkei CPI Now" Utilized in the Bank of Japan's "Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices"
"Nikkei CPI Now" Utilized in the Bank of Japan's "Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy"
"Nikkei CPI Now" Utilized in the Bank of Japan's "Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices"
Nikkei CPINow measures consumer prices daily with excellent speed and accuracy by utilizing POS data that captures sales prices and quantities in real-time. It is the successor to the Nikkei-UTokyo Daily Price Index, developed by Tsutomu Watanabe (Professor of Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo) and Kota Watanabe (School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences , Meiji University・Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo). Nikkei CPINow has more than doubled the number of stores covered and offers a variety of series beyond just comprehensive and item-specific data.
Nikkei CPINow offers the "T-Index," which follows the methodology of the Nikkei-UTokyo Daily Price Index, providing comprehensive and item-specific data. To enable deeper analysis, various derivative series are available, such as the Mode Index, which captures price trends excluding special sales, and the Sales Index, which shows how much supermarket sales have changed nationwide compared to the previous year.
The daily T-Index is generally published with a 2-day time lag. Please check the publication schedule for details.
It can be downloaded from the member-only statistical database. Details on how to access it will be provided after membership registration.
New customers are requested to apply for a trial membership through this web form.
Yes, it is possible. Please contact us to request additional IDs.
Yes, our data can be cited in analyst reports, papers, etc. Please refer to the terms of use for more details.